VIRTUAL PD / WORK FOR STAFF: Due to inclement weather, the Professional Development day scheduled for Monday, January 20 will be Virtual. Office staff should also work virtually. All schools and offices will be closed.

Standards-Based Elementary Report Card


What is a standards-based report card?

A standards-based report card identifies the most important skills in each grade level and content area in alignment with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and district curriculum. Each skill is assessed as follows...

Earning an “Exceeds Standards” means the student has advanced understanding and exceeds grade-level expectations. An “E” is difficult to obtain and indicates unusually high achievement.

Earning a “Meet Standards” means the student has proficient understanding and meets grade-level expectations. An “M” is something to be celebrated!

Earning a “Progressing Towards Standards” means the student has basic understanding and partially meets grade-level expectations. A “P” indicates that a child may need extra help or time to understand a concept or skill.

Earning an “Intensive Support Needed” means the student has minimal understanding and does not meet grade-level expectations. A student receiving an “I” will need interventions in order to meet grade-level expectations.


How are standards-based report cards different from traditional report cards?

By evaluating specific skills within each subject, parents, students and teachers can be better informed about any areas requiring additional work. Standards-based report cards differ from traditional report cards in that there are no averages calculated for an overall subject area. The report card language is the same used on state student assessment results.


Why assess student progress through a standards-based report card?

Classroom teachers are better able to identify student strengths and weaknesses in a standards-based learning environment, thereby permitting a more informed approach to individual student instruction. A standards-based report card identifies how well a child is mastering each skill. This also provides us with a common reporting language and system between the district and state student reports.


What is a trimester marking period?

The report card for grades K-5 is based on three marking periods (December, March, and June). Grade-level expectations will change each trimester to reflect the standards and anticipation of student growth.


Will parent-teacher conferences be scheduled?

Definitely. Conferences will be held for grades K-5 as in the past. Your building principal will notify you as to the dates on which they will be conducted.


What will a standards-based report card tell you about your child?

A standards-based report card is effective in informing parents about specific skill achievement as measured against state academic grade level requirements and benchmarks. For example, instead of a child earning a “B” in reading, he or she will be evaluated separately in areas such as comprehension and decoding. The actual grade level standards can be accessed on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards website.


Will student learning behaviors still be assessed?

Behaviors that facilitate student learning and growth such as social development and work and study habits are critical to a child’s success. The standards-based report cards indicate progress in these areas though not always as part of the assessment of a student’s academic skills. Rather, there is a section which indicates their effort in each discipline.


How and when will report cards be issued?

Report cards will still be printed for your review and the standards assessed will be viewable online. Direct access to the standards being assessed will be available via the PowerSchool Parent Portal and/or through correspondence with your child’s classroom teacher.


