VIRTUAL PD / WORK FOR STAFF: Due to inclement weather, the Professional Development day scheduled for Monday, January 20 will be Virtual. Office staff should also work virtually. All schools and offices will be closed.

Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Handbook

This handbook will provide you with the Hopatcong Borough School District’s policies regarding fair and equitable treatment in the workplace.  Fair and equitable treatment of all employees creates a work environment that is supportive and comfortable and leads to higher rates of employee satisfaction and productivity. Since the work of the school district is to educate our students it is even more important that our employees feel valued and respected so that the environment in which our students work and learn is one in which they are also valued and respected.

All documents are in a PDF format and require the use of Adobe Acrobat or the Adobe Reader, available for free at


Updated 9/11/19
