VIRTUAL PD / WORK FOR STAFF: Due to inclement weather, the Professional Development day scheduled for Monday, January 20 will be Virtual. Office staff should also work virtually. All schools and offices will be closed.

Project Graduation

Dear Parents of the Class of 2024,


Project Graduation 2024 needs your help!  We are currently looking for committee members to make Project Graduation a memorable event for the Class of 2024.  


What is Project Graduation?

Project Graduation is a program offered by many high schools in the United States, in which organized, adult-supervised and alcohol-free activities are offered as part of a post-graduation party.  Hopatcong has had a Project Graduation event since the late 1980’s. It is run by parent volunteers and is not affiliated with school activities. Project Graduation holds its own fundraisers and has its own bank account.  In the past, Hopatcong Project Grads have been held at various places including hotels and indoor fun centers.


How much does it cost?

Project Graduation committees must raise a lot of money.  Most committees like to have close to $20,000 in their account by June!  This money includes the facility, busses, food, entertainment, and goodies for each attendee (gift cards, drawstring bags, water bottles, etc.)  In addition, the committee needs to leave $2,000 in the account for the following year’s class as a start-up fund. The goal is for the event to cost as little as possible for each individual student.  


How can I help?

Project Grad tries to have as many as 1-2 fundraising opportunities each month.  These include selling mums, running Candy Bar Bingo, combining with HHSPTSO for a Tricky Tray in March, and much more.  Without parental support, none of the fundraising events are possible. We are always looking for committee members and volunteers to give even just a few hours of their time to help with fundraising as well as planning the Project Graduation event itself.   


Who should I contact?

If you are interested in joining the Project Graduation 2024 committee or have any other questions, please email or Call/text Eric Syto at (973)600-9995

 Thank you in advance for your help!  Every little bit of time that you can offer is greatly appreciated!



